A little of my Story

I left my house every morning at 5:30am and went to my first job, taking clothes to change into for my second job.  I had meetings late into the evening and would get home after dinner.  In fact we haven’t eat dinner together regularly as a family for the past 3 years, ever since I took that new job.  The work was about moving the forward economically.  The consequence was that my family didn’t connect with me.  I lost that time with my kids and could not get it back.

Many professionals are like me.  Working long hours, wishing I could be more productive and watching my family grow up without me.  We want such admirable iStock_000022923126_ExtraSmallthings:  less debt, better stuff, more fun, nice cars, better schools, etc.   But the trade off is the price we pay for the dream.

We seek to bring a holistic approach to the busy lives of hardworking, driven professionals.  The stress, fragmentation and wellness elements converge in our 4 C’s – Clarity, Culture, Confidence & Consistency.

At Coaching Connectivity, we want to see you building your legacy as you live a healthy, well-balanced, meaningful, values-driven life.  You have options and your life doesn’t have to be dominated by stress, separation and isolation.

I want to see you enjoying…

  • More laughter at home with kids who stay off drugs and pursue purity.
  • More success – academic (with kids) and career and family and community.
  • More time to read with the children who will get better grades and more sleep.
  • More harmony between spouses with fewer fights over money, time or love.
  • More money from being more productivity at work.
  • More deep and genuine satisfaction with your relationships at home.

Don’t you want these and other incredible blessings?  They are a natural product for those who choose to live more connected lives.

What feels disconnected from your busy life?  Imagine the impact if your career, money, family, faith and soul were more connected.  It would make an indescribable difference.

A Connected Life Leaves a Better Legacy  — www.LegacyFamilyCoaching.com