Reflections & Resources
Bridge to a Better Legacy
We help busy people go to a better place Why bridges? Bridges connect. Bridges create access. We want you to have more access to the people and resources around you. Bridges support relationships. We want you to have better relationships with people you love....
A Little of My Story
A little of my Story I left my house every morning at 5:30am and went to my first job, taking clothes to change into for my second job. I had meetings late into the evening and would get home after dinner. In fact we haven't eat dinner together regularly as a family...
Hope You’re Around to See It
Will your busy life hasten your death? Consider the impact of continuing to live the busy, hectic, drift causing lifestyle. Chronic stress can trigger illness in you or your family. According to "21st Century Medicine - A New Model for Medical Education and...
Trading for a Living
Are YOU are an active trader? Probably! Most professionals rely on competent financial experts to manage their money. We do this because it enhances our sense of security as we grow our treasures month after month and year after year. If you've ever traded in the...
Delicately Drifting Into Danger
We would NEVER drag our family into danger. We would NEVER put them in harm's way. I agree, in spite of how I've nearly killed my kidsfrom time to time. Few of us run headlong into dangerous situations. For most we drift there. Our speedometer creeps upward, our...
Proactively Positive
Your day is like clay - yet to be formed by YOU. Two ways to approach life are highlighted by two different phrases: Que Sera Sera - What ever will be will be. You go with the flow, see what comes and react to others. On the surface this appears to be ideal but in...